Michael Kors Access Crosby Activity Tracker | Review

I've never really been into sports and fitness before, but I knew that in the new year that was something I wanted to change. I felt like I needed to make more of a conscious effort to exercise and just generally get off my bum and move more. Activity trackers and smart watches seem to be everywhere at the moment, with all sorts of brands bringing out their own version of the trend. I've heard such good things about how these trackers can really help to motivate you and track your progress, so I thought that getting myself one might be a good place to start.

The face isn't cracked, it's just awkwardly catching the light...
As amazing as I know that FitBits are, they just don't look good! Now, I know that sounds really vain, but I do also work in a jewellers, so I didn't want to have my lovely watch and bracelets on one arm and this great chunky looking fitness tracker on the other. I also didn't feel like I needed all of the functions that come with a FitBit, as like I said before, I'm only just starting to exercise more and really just wanted something minimal and easy to use. So after a bit of research, I found that the Michael Kors Access Crosby activity tracker looked perfect for me; not only is it super pretty to look at, but it is also really simple and easy to use.

I put the tracker straight onto my Christmas list and was very kindly gifted it by my parents. The tracker was really easy to use right away as it is powered by a lithium battery that was actually included in the box. I think this is a great feature as I wouldn't like to constantly have to charge my watch after every days use. I also got my one in grey and rose gold, but they do come in other colours such as pink or black.

"Track your steps, sleep and goals with our cool new Activity Tracker. Designed with a faceted silicone band and stylish hardware accents, the Crosby bracelet will help you keep your life on track and look great doing it." - Michael Kors website.

The watch's primary use is for tracking your daily step count, but it also tracks how much sleep you get at night and can be set up to track a variety of your different goals too by using the Michael Kors Access app. This means you can see how well your doing at different points throughout the day just by checking your phone. I have my daily goal set to track how much water I'm drinking as this is something I need to work on, which I do by tapping the face of the watch three times. This then registers with the watch that I have had one glass of water and will register my progress in the app.


I do actually really like this watch and so far I'm really enjoying tracking my daily step count. I feel like it motivates me to try harder every day as I don't want to ruin my streak of meeting my goal. I defintely think this watch is only really useful for beginners however, as it is pretty basic and probably wouldn't offer very much for someone looking to get more from their fitness tracker. I've had quite a lot of compliments on the watch too, as most people seem to look at it and think that it's just a bracelet, so I'm happy about that.

Have you got a fitness tracker that you love to use? Is this one too basic for you or just what you need to get yourself started?


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Monthly Goals | February

This year I want to start being more productive and challenging myself. I want to be able to look back at my year and feel like I've made the most of it, so I've decided to start setting myself goals at the start of every month that I want to try and achieve. That way, I can track my progress at the end of the month and see what I need to work harder at. By putting them up on my blog, I'm hoping it will also give me the motivation to stick to them and not give up so easily.

Keep going to the gym!
My main goal for 2017 was to try and lead a healthier lifestyle by exercising more. Going to the gym has never been something that I've enjoyed, as I've always found it really boring. This usually leads me just giving up, however, over the past few weeks I've been trying to go as often as possible, and now I've finally started to look forward to my work outs! I'm still not entirely sure what 90% of the machines in the gym are actually for, but I'm enjoying how much happier I've started to feel since I've  been going to the gym on a regular basis, so my goal for February is to keep this up.

Cut down on chocolate!
I think this is something I will probably struggle with. Chocolate is something that I always seem to crave, and I don't really know why. I'm definitely what you'd call a chocoholic! But it's also full of sugar, which I know that I need to cut down on, so I'm going to try really hard this month to just eat less of it. Especially with summer not too far around the corner, I should probably start working towards my summer body at some point!

Stay on top of my uni work!
So far this semester I've been really good at attending my lectures and keeping on top of all of my reading, but I know that I'm easily distracted and will probably start slacking at some point. So I'm going to try really hard to stay focused over the next few weeks and do as well as I can!

Spend more time with my family!
Since moving into my own flat back in August, I haven't really been back home to see my family all that often. This is mainly because I don't have a lot of spare time between university and my job, and the train fare can get a bit expensive. But I have the new few Sundays off from work, so I'm going to try and use that free time to see my family a bit more, as I do really miss them and I feel like I'm missing out on a lot of family experiences.

I'm hoping that my goals for this month are realistic enough for me to achieve them. I'm going to try really hard to stick with them, and hopefully at the start of March I can report back that I've done really well. Have you got any goals for the month ahead? I would love to hear them!


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